Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sex and the Austen Girl - Review

If any of you readers are big Jane Austen fans as I am, I think you'll very much enjoy the new Babelgum exclusive web series Sex and the Austen Girl. Inspired by Laurie Viera Rigler's Jane Austen Addict books, the series tells the experiences of two women switched out of their lives and centuries. Here's the first episode:

It's a very accurate but humorous comparison between the lifestyles of Jane Austen's time and the modern day. Throughout the current thirteen episodes, they discuss a variety of topics: from marriage to make-up to technological advances.

Anyway, this was just a quick post to share this delightful series with you. I'm also quite keen on reading the books now. If you've read those books already or are looking for more recommendations, I'd check out Austenland by Shannon Hale and Twenties Girl by Sophie Kinsella (also author of the Shopaholic series).

In the meantime, here are two more episodes:

Episode 5: Is Clean Sexy?

Episode 11: The 200-Year-Old Virgin


Nostalgically Yours

On a side note: does anyone else find it a little disturbing that "God Bless America" and "Twin Towers" are trending fifth? And that's behind the Powerpuff Girls and Little Rascals...! Also, to anyone who hates illegal immigrants: "Torres Gemelas" is trending second. Take that, Arizona!

1 comment:

  1. Haha those are fantastic, thank you for showing me them! I love the 200 year old virgin one!


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