Thursday, September 30, 2010

Blog Update and Halloween

Dear Readers,

Bear with me, I promise there's some more interesting stuff after some administrative stuff... which might just be interesting to you as well!

Not much of a costume, but still adorable!

You may have noticed some changes to the layout of the blog. If not, here's a basic low-down of what's different:

1) I've added a link gadget specifically for my segments to the left sidebar, as well as the Human Calendar. Click on the link to find out more - very interesting project, if you ask me.

2) You'll notice a new "Share" gadget at the bottom of each post. I like this one better because of the shortcuts to Facebook and Twitter. With this gadget you can also share my blog posts on almost 300 different websites - feel free to test this feature out as many times as you'd like!

3) Finally, the right sidebar also has some changes - I've updated the links list as well as the "Friends of the Blog" list, and added a list of books I've read or am currently reading. Below that is the latest Blogger gadget, "Popular Posts".

Kids: Don't be like Snow White!
Never take apples from a witch... even a pretty one!

Now, on to the interesting portion of this post! I have a big announcement regarding October (which starts tomorrow, if you didn't know). In honor of Halloween, I've decided to feature a new costume idea every day until the 31st! Music Mondays and my Project Runway reviews will still remain throughout the week, on top of the costume posts, but as usual, there will be no posts on Sundays.

Don't worry, my costumes will be much more modern than these...
Unless you don't want them to be?

I'm trying to arrange these chronologically in descending order of complexity, so as to allow enough time for each costume. Next week will also be couples week, where I hope to feature some more original ideas for couples costumes - don't worry single readers, you can always use these costumes as separates.

I personally highly recommend against cliche and "type" costumes in general.
These are culpable of double Joepardy.

I'm also trying to balance the ratio of male to female costumes, as well as the ratio of costumes referring to current events to those that are a bit more nostalgic in appeal. I also welcome any and all suggestions to my e-mail at

...They got a rock.

Can't wait to see what I come up with? Subscribe or follow to get updated on all my costume ideas throughout the month. You can also follow me on Twitter to get instant updates and extra thoughts on just about anything!

Only one of these folks planned ahead.
The rest show you what happens when you wait 'til the last minute.

Happy Halloween!
Nostalgically Yours


  1. Thank you for putting me on the Friends of the Blog! I'm about to update for the first time in ages right now!

  2. Love the first electrical inspired costume!


What do you think?