Tuesday, July 27, 2010

N'Awlins - San Fermin Pictures!

Here, finally, are my pictures from the running of the bulls from last week. If you didn't read the article, here it is.

90% of people in the French Quarter that morning were dressed for the Running, getting many a perplexed look from locals out of the loop.

Here they come!
The running begins - and I've forgotten to change the settings on my camera...!
Of course, not everyone remembered that the Running of the Bulls happens in Spain, not Mexico.
Here come the bulls... and a mysterious mustached lady...
Mimes are totally relevant... right?
Fairies too? Porque no?
Grandma's got game!
Never stop to retie your scarf when being chased by bulls.
Would this be an amazing publicity pic for them or what?
Run Away!
Whatever you do, don't let this one catch you!
Cultural Bastardization seemed to be a recurring theme...
Even dresses wore mustaches! (Second from the left)
Of course, the San Fermín festival would unknowingly coincide with Spain's FIFA World Cup Victory a few days later.

Some Country-Appropriate Costumes
BAM! Apparently Mario decided to join the parade after his sex change surgery...
A very brave mother!

Another  great action shot. Check out the REAL mustache on the left!!

Cute girl in a not-so-authentic Sevillana dress.

Lovely Authentic-Looking Sevillana Hairdo

Elvises on Parade

It may not be culturally sensitive, but it sure is cute!

Some people forgot to wear red... He forgot to wear white.

Some Recycling from the Pirate Festival
What's Jack Black doing here?
Vikings are totally relevant
More recycling from Cinco de Mayo

Hope you enjoyed them!
Nostalgically Yours

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1 comment:

  1. Wow, great pictures. You were there??? I've seen it on television.


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